


姓名:郑琰Yan Zheng

职称🦵🏼:研究员 Principal investigator





Dr. Zheng’s research primarily focuses on elucidating the role of diet and lifestyle factors contributing to the development of cardiometabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. In particular, Dr. Zheng is interested in utilizing multi-omics methodologies, especially metabolomics and metagenomics, to probe the intricate mechanisms underlying the exposure-disease association. Her research area also includes gene-diet interaction and Mendelian randomization studies in the cardiometabolic disease.



Dr. Zheng received a bachelor’s degree in clinical medicine from Capital Medical University in 2005 and graduated from Shanghai Medical School Fudan University in 2008 with a master's degree in clinical cardiology. Then Dr. Zheng received her MPH from Emory University in 2010 and PhD in Epidemiology from University of Texas School of Public Health in 2013. She had her postdoctoral training in Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, from 2014 to 2017. In July 2017, Dr. Zheng joined the School of Life Sciences Fudan University as anassociate professor. In December 2021, she was tenured as a professor.

担任中国营养学会营养流行病分会/基础营养学分会委员、Molecular Genetics and Genomics杂志副主编等多个学术兼职职务。以重要作者身份在JAMANature Reviews Endocrinology⛪️、BMJ🧜‍♀️、Diabetes CareNatl Sci Rev等杂志上发表文章,多篇入选ESI高被引论文并受到国内外媒体报道𓀝。

Dr. Zheng has served as a member of the Nutritional Epidemiology and Basic Nutrition Branches of the Chinese Nutrition Society, an associate editor of Molecular Genetics and Genomics journal and other academic activities. Her scholar contributions, particularly as a significant author, are evident in a plethora of articles published in top-tier journals such as JAMA, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, BMJ, Diabetes Care, and Natl Sci Rev.


1. 本科生全英文课程bioethics

2. 研究生必修课《科研伦理与规范》

  1. Bioethics (an English course for undergraduate students majoring in Biology);

  2. Research Ethics and Norms (a compulsory course for graduate students majoring in Biology)



Genetics, Bioinformatics, Biology, Biomedicine


  1. 国家科学技术部国家重点研发项目2021-2026 年)课题主持

  2. 杏鑫平台义乌基地项目(2021-2023年)主持

  3. 国家科学技术部国家重点专项(2019-2023 年)参与

  4. 上海市东方学者计划(人才项目)(2019-2012年)

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(2019-2023年)主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金应急基金项目(2018年)主持

  7. 上海市浦江人才计划(人才项目)(2018-2019年)

  1. National Key R&D Program of China (2021-2026), co-PI

  2. Basic Project by Yiwu Research Institute of Fudan University (2021-2023), PI

  3. National Key R&D Program of China (2019-2023), Participate

  4. Shanghai Oriental Scholar (2019-2012)

  5. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2019-2023), PI

  6. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2018), PI

  7. Shanghai Pujiang Talents(2018-2019


  1. 入选2023年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”

  2. 复星奖教金一等奖(2022年)

  3. 2022年度“中国高被引学者”

  1. Selected in the 2023 "Top 2% of Global Scientists List"

  2. First prize of Fosun Education Gold Award (2022)

  3. Highly Cited Chinese Researchers (2022)


  1. Senying Lai, Yan Yan, Yanni Pu,Shuchun Lin, Jian-Ge Qiu,Bing-Hua Jiang, Marisa Isabell Keller, Mingyu Wang, Peer Bork*, Wei-Hua Chen*, Yan Zheng*. Xing-Ming Zhao*, Enterotypes of the human gut mycobiome. Microbiome 2023 Aug 11;11(1):179

  2. Yuxiang Dai, Zhonghan Sun, Yan Zheng*, Junbo Ge*. Recent advances in the gut microbiome and microbial metabolites alterations of coronary artery disease. Science Bulletin 2023 Mar 30;68(6):549-552.

  3. Zhonghan Sun#, Xiong-Fei Pan#, Xiao Li, Limiao Jiang, Ping Hu, Yi Wang, Yi Ye, Ping Wu, Bin Zhao, Jianguo Xu, Mengmeng Kong, Yanni Pu, Manying Zhao, Jianying Hu, Jinfeng Wang, Guo-Chong Chen, Changzheng Yuan, Yongfu Yu, Xiang Gao, Fangqing Zhao, An Pan*, Yan Zheng*. The Gut Microbiome Dynamically Associates with Host Glucose Metabolism throughout Pregnancy: Longitudinal Findings from a Matched Case-control Study of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Advanced Science 2023 Jan 22; e2205289.

  4. Chenhao Lin#, Zhonghan Sun#, Zhendong Mei#, Hailuan Zeng, Maying Zhao, Jianying Hu, Mingfeng Xia, Tao Huang, Chaolong Wang, Xin Gao, Yan Zheng*. The causal associations of circulating amino acids with blood pressure: A Mendelian randomization study. BMC Medicine (2022) 20:414.

  5. Kang Yao, Yuxiang Dai, Juan Shen, Yi Wang, Huanjie Yang, Runda Wu, Qijun Liao, Hongyi Wu, Xiaodong Fang, Shalaimaiti Shali, Lili Xu, Meng Hao, Chenhao Lin, Zhonghan Sun, Yilian Liu, Mengxin Li, Zhen Wang, Qiang Gao, Shuning Zhang, Chenguang Li, Wei Gao, Lei Ge, Yunzeng Zou, Aijun Sun, Juying Qian, Li Jin, Shangyu Hong*, Yan Zheng*, Junbo Ge*. Exome sequencing identifies rare mutations of LDLR and QTRT1 conferring risk for early-onset coronary artery disease in Chinese. National Science Review 2022 May 31;9(8): nwac102.

  6. Zhonghan Sun#, Zhi-Gang Song#, Chenglin Liu#, Shishang Tan#, Shuchun Lin, Jiajun Zhu, Fa-Hui Dai, Jian Gao, Jia-Lei She, Zhendong Mei, Tao Lou, Jiao-Jiao Zheng, Yi Liu, Jiang He, Yuanting Zheng, Chen Ding, Feng Qian, Yan Zheng*, Yan-Mei Chen*. Gut microbiome alterations and gut barrier dysfunction were associated with host immune homeostasis in COVID-19 patients. BMC Medicine 2022 Jan 20;20(1):24.

  7. Yan Zheng, Yanping Li, Ambika Satija, An Pan, Mercedes Sotos-Prieto, Eric Rimm, Walter C. Willett, and Frank B. Hu. Association of Changes in Red Meat Consumption with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality among U.S. Women and Men: Two Large Prospective Cohort Studies. The BMJ 2019 June 12; doi:10.1136/bmj. I2110.

  8. Drouin-Chartier JP*#, Zheng Y*Li Y, Malik V, Pan A, Bhupathiraju SN, Tobias DK, Manson JE, Willett WC, Hu FB#. Changes in Consumption of Sugary Beverages and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and Subsequent Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results from Three Large Prospective U.S. Cohorts of Women and Men. Diabetes Care2019 Dec;42(12):2181-2189.

  9. Yan Zheng, Sylvia H Ley, Frank B Hu. Global aetiology and epidemiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. Nat Rev Endocrinol2018 Feb;14(2):88-98.

  10. Yan Zheng, JoAnn E. Manson, Changzheng Yuan, Matthew H. Liang, Francine Grodstein, Meir J. Stampfer, Walter C. Willett, and Frank B. Hu. Associations of weight gain from early to middle adulthood with major health outcomes in later life. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2017;318(3):255-269.

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