


姓名👰‍♀️:胡小华Xiaohua Hu

职称🧅:副教授Associate Professor


办公地点:生科院大楼G623   Life Science Building G623




We use molecular genetics, cell biology, mouse animal models, bioinformatics and other methods to uncover the molecular mechanics of the occurrence and development of lung cancer and brain tumors. Main research directions: (1) Identify the driver genes that induce lung cancer and brain tumors, and reveal their molecular mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis based on next-generation sequencing omics data; (2) Dissect the mechanism of abnormal phase separation of mutant proteins to drive tumorigenesis and screen related anti-tumor small molecule drugs.



Ph.D. in Genetics from Fudan University in 2006. Research assistant at the Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University from 2006-2010. Associate professor at the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University since 2011. Visiting scientist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center from 2018 to 2020. Communication review expert for the Youth Fund and General Projects of the National Foundation of China; an expert of the Ministry of Education for spot check review of postgraduate thesis and an expert for inter-school review of postgraduate thesis.



General Core Curriculum “Gene Sciences in Daily Life”and General Curriculum “Sciences of Life”


肿瘤遗传学肿瘤(Tumor Genetics)🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻、生物信息学 (Bioinformatics)🚶🏻‍♂️、生物与医药 (Biology and medicine)


(1) 基于多层次组学数据遗传分析的肺癌转移和复发分子遗传机制的解析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-01 2022-12🌾,57万元,主持

(2) 一种酵母新型RNA转录干扰机制研究🧞‍♂️⚄,国家自然科学基金面上项目🦞,2016-01 2019-12🚶‍♂️‍➡️🐙,60万元,主持

(3) 一种新型酵母细胞粘附变异的遗传解析及分子机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目🤫,2013-01 2016-12👱,70万元,主持

(4) 基于新一代测序数据的统计遗传学新理论🧲、方法与应用,国家973计划项目🤽🏼,2012-01 2016-08300万元,子课题负责人

(1) NSFC General Program:

Title: Uncovering the genetic mechanism underlying metastasis and relapse of lung cancer through genetic analysis of multi-level omic sequencing data

Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China

Funding: CNY 570,000.00

Role: Principle Investigator

Period of Protocol: Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2022

(2) NSFC General Program:

Title: Unveiling a novel mechanism underlying transcriptional interference in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China

Funding: CNY 600,000.00

Role: Principle Investigator

Period of Protocol: Jan. 2016 – Dec. 2019

(3) NSFC General Program:

Title: Genetic dissection and molecular mechanisms of a novel type of yeast cell adhesion

Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China

Funding: CNY 700,000.00

Role: Principle Investigator

Period of Protocol: Jan. 2013 – Dec. 2016

(4) Basic Science Research Program of China:

Title: Developing novel theoretical methodology and application based on next-generation sequencing data in statistical genetics (My role: To obtain four high-quality omic-sequencing datasets (RNA-seq, miRNA-seq, methylation-seq and exon-seq) of clinical specimens and cell lines of non-small cell lung cancer)

Funding: CNY 8,360,000.00

Role: Co-PI

Period of Protocol: Jan. 2012 – Aug. 2016



Fosun medical scholarship (2016)👌🏽,Outstanding teacher of the School of Life Sciences (2013,2014)


  1. X Hu, X Wu, et al. (2023) Nuclear condensates of YAP fusion proteins alter transcription to drive ependymoma tumorigenesis. Nature Cell Biology, 25:323-336.

  2. Pu W, …, Hu X, et al. (2021) Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of the tumor ecosystems underlying initiation and progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Nature Communications 12: 6058.

  3. X Pan*, XH Hu*, et al. (2019). Identification of the copy number variant biomarkers for breast cancer subtypes. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 294 (1), 95-110.

  4. T Liu, X Wu, T Chen, Z Luo, X Hu. (2018). Downregulation of DNMT3A by miR-708-5p inhibits lung cancer stem cell-like phenotypes through repressing Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Clin Cancer Res 24 (7), 1748-1760.

  5. Chen L*, Pan X*, Hu X*, Zhang YH, Wang S, Huang T, Cai YD. (2018). Gene expression differences among different MSI statuses in colorectal cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 143 (7), 1731-1740.

  6. O Fang*, X Hu*, et al. (2018). Amn1 governs post-mitotic cell separation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS genetics 14 (10), e1007691.

  7. X Wu, T Liu, O Fang, LJ LeachX Hu#, Z Luo#. (2014) miR-194 suppresses metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer through regulating expression of BMP1 and p27kip1. Oncogene 33(12):1506-1514.

  8. L Wang, N Jiang, L Wang, O Fang, Lindsey J. Leach, X Hu#, Z Luo#. (2014) 3’ Untranslated Regions Mediate Transcriptional Interference Between Convergent Genes Both Locally and Ectopically in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PloS Genetics 10(1): e1004021.

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