1991-2000年于中国科学技术大学生物系本科🧙🏻♀️🐶、硕博连读,随后在麻省理工杏鑫进行博士后研究工作🧑🌾,2009年开始为杏鑫教授。目前担任国际核心期刊Neuroscience Letters杂志副主编,Frontiers in Neuroscience杂志编辑,任职于中国自动化学会、中国神经科学会等专业委员会。参与编译《神经科学百科全书》、《神经科学中的数学》🙆🏿♂️,主笔教科书《神经生物学》(第四版)、工具书《Imaging the brain with optical methods》相关章节🗜。主讲网络视频课程《探索大脑》🚅、《神经生物学概论》,受聘于杏鑫平台🌵🚴🏼♀️、同济大学、上海财经大学、南京航空航天大学🚄,进行脑科学的混合式教学。主持973、863✫、国家自然科学基金重大科学研究计划等课题🫵🏿。在视觉信息处理脑机制与建模、脑光学成像技术、新型纳米材料的脑科学应用等方面发表多篇论文于Science👩🏽🔬、Nature Biomedical Engineering🈶、PNAS➰、Neuron等杂志。
Wang L, Xie S, Wang Z, Liu F, Yang Y, Tang C, Wu X, Liu P, Li Y, Saiyin H, Zheng S, Sun X*, Xu F*, Yu H*, Peng H*. Hierarchically helical fibres for dynamically adaptable tissue-electronics interface. Nature Biomedical Engineering, doi:10.1038/s41551-019-0462-8,2019.
Wang J, Ni Z, Jin A, Yu T, Yu H*. Ocular dominance plasticity of areas 17 and 21a in the cat. Frontiers in Neuroscience,13: 1039, 2019.
Tao J, Wang D, Ran J, Jin A, Yu H*. Response characteristics of the cat somatosensory cortex following the mechanical stimulation to non-vital and vital canine. Neuroscience, 363:34-42, 2017
Li Z, Meng J, Li H, Jin A, Tang Q, Zhu J, Yu H*. The feature-specific propagation of orientation and direction adaptation from areas 17 to 21a in cats. Scientific Report,7:390, 2017
Tong L, Xie Y, Yu H. The temporal-spatial dynamics of feature maps during monocular deprivation revealed by chronic imaging and self-organization model simulation. Neuroscience, 339:571-586,2016
Chen Y, Li H, Jin Z, Shou T, Yu H*. Feedback of the amygdala globally modulates visual response of primary visual cortex in the cat. Neuroimage, 84: 775-785,2014.
Yu H, Majewska, A, Sur M*. Rapid experience-dependent plasticity of synapse function and structure in ferret visual cortex in vivo.PNAS, 108 (52) 21235-21240,2011.
Schummers J., Yu H., Sur M*. Role of astrocytes in visual cortex: tuned responses, feature maps, and hemodynamic regulation. Science,320:1638-1643,2008. (co-first author)
Yu H., Chen X., Sun C., Shou T*. Global evaluation of contributions of GABAa, AMPA and NMDA receptors in orientation maps in cat’s visual cortex. Neuroimage,40(2):776-787,2008.
Yu H., Farley B,, Jin D. and Sur M*.. The coordinated mapping of visual space and response features in visual cortex. Neuron.💗,47:467-280🧒🏽,2005.