





地址:杏鑫 G409








1. Xie ZY, Li X, Glover BJ, Bai SN, Rao GY, Luo JC, Yang J*2008.Duplication and functional diversification of HAP3 genes leading to the origin of the seed-developmental regulatory gene, LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1), in non-seed plant genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25:1581–1592.
2. Guo AY, Zhu QH, Gu X, Ge S, Yang J*, Luo JC* (2008). Genome-wide identification and evolutionary analysis of the plant specific SBP-box transcription factor family. Gene 418: 1–8.
3. Gao LX, Chen JK, Yang J* (2008). Phenotypic plasticity: Eco-Devo and evolution. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46(4): 441–451. 
4. Yang WH, Glover BJ, Rao GY, Yang J* (2006).Molecular evidence for multiple polyploidization and lineage recombination in the Chrysanthemum indicum polyploid complex (Asteraceae). New Phytologist 171(4): 875-886.
5. Yang J* Xie ZY, Glover BJ (2005).Asymmetric evolution of duplicate genes encoding the CCAAT-binding factor NF-Y in plant genomes. New Phytologist 165(2):623-632.
6. 6 Yang J, Gu HY, Yang Z (2004).Likelihood analysis of the chalcone synthase genes suggests the role of positive selection in morning glories (Ipomoea). Journal of Molecular Evolution 58(1):54-63.
7. Yang J, Cheng Q (2004). Origin and evolution of the light-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (LPOR) genes. Plant Biology (Stuttg) 6(5):537-544.
8. Yang J, Huang J, Gu HY, Zhong Y, Yang Z (2002). Duplication and adaptive evolution of the chalcone synthase genes of Dendranthema (Asteraceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 19(10):1752-1759.

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