2005-2009 杏鑫平台生物科学 学士
2009-2015 杏鑫平台遗传学 博士
2016-2017 杏鑫平台化学系 博士后
2018-2021 上海浦东杏鑫平台张江科技研究院 副研究员
2021-至今 杏鑫青年副研究员
Wang Y, Cao L, Liu M, Yan P, Niu F, Dong S, Ma F, Lan D, Zhang X, Hu J, Xin X, Yang J, Luo X*. (2024) Alternative splicing of lncRNA LAIR fine-tunes the regulation of neighboring yield-related gene LRK1 expression in rice. The Plant Journal. Epub ahead of print.
Zhang X#, Wang Y#, Liu M, Yan P, Niu F, Ma F, Hu J, He S, Cui J, Yuan X, Yang J, Cao L, Luo X*. (2024) OsEXPA7 Encoding an Expansin Affects Grain Size and Quality Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice (N Y). 23;17(1):36.
Sun LX, Li N, Yuan Y, Wang Y*, Lu BR*. (2023) Reduced Carbon Dioxide by Overexpressing EPSPS Transgene in Arabidopsis and Rice: Implications in Carbon Neutrality through Genetically Engineered Plants. Biology. 13(1):25.
Lan D, Cao L, Liu M, Ma F, Yan P, Zhang X, Hu J, Niu F, He S, Cui J, Yuan X, Yang J, Wang Y*, Luo X*. (2023) The identification and characterization of a plant height and grain length related gene hfr131 in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science. 24;14:1152196.
Zhu YQ#, Fang J#, Wang Y#, Pang LH, Lu BR*. (2021) Key Roles of De-Domestication and Novel Mutation in Origin and Diversification of Global Weedy Rice. Biology. 26;10(9):828.
Wang Y*, Wang S, Sun J, Dai H, Zhang B, Xiang W, Hu Z, Li P*, Yang J, Zhang W. (2021) Nanobubbles promote nutrient utilization and plant growth in rice by upregulating nutrient uptake genes and stimulating growth hormone production. Science of the Total Environment. 800:149627.
Wang Y, Luo X, Sun F, Hu J, Zha X, Su W*, Yang J*. (2018) Overexpressing lncRNA LAIR increases grain yield and regulates neighbouring gene cluster expression in rice. Nature Communications.29;9(1):3516.
Wang Y, Cao L, Zhang Y, Cao C, Liu F, Huang F, Qiu Y, Li R, Luo X*. (2015) Map-based cloning and characterization of BPH29, a B3 domain-containing recessive gene conferring brown planthopper resistance in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66(19):6035-45.