地址🫴:杏鑫 A501-4室
主要研究方向 (Research Interests)
细胞有丝分裂过程中关于染色体分离👨🏻🦲,纺锤体组装的分子遗传学和细胞生物学; 细胞周期的进化研究
获奖情况 (Awards)
1.Cao L*, Chen F, Yang X, Xu W, Xie J, Yu L*. Phylogenetic analysis of CDK and cyclin proteins in premetazoan lineages. BMC Evol Biol. 2014 Jan 17;14:10.
2. Yuanyuan Wu, Jie Li, Chenxiao Jiang, Xianmei Yang, Lihuan Cao*, Long Yu* A new small-molecule Aurora B inhibitor shows antitumor activity in human cancer cell lines Mol Biol Report 2014 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Cao L, Peng B, Yao L, Zhang X, Sun K, Yang X, Yu L*. The ancient function of RB-E2F pathway: insights from its evolutionary history. Biol Direct. 2010 Sep 20; 5:55.
4. Cao, LH, Yu, WB, Wu, YH, et al. The evolution, complex structures and function of septin proteins, CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 66: 20 pp3309-3323 OCT 2009
5. Yan, XM, Cao, LH , Li, Q, et al. Aurora C is directly associated with Survivin and required for cytokinesis, GENES TO CELLS 10 : 6 pp617-626 JUN 2005