2023年 长江学者特聘教授
2017年 国家海外高层次青年人才计划
2023年 杏鑫平台“卓识杰出人才”
2021年 首批上海市科学技术委员会基础研究特区计划
2021年 曙光学者
2021年 上海市优秀学术带头人(青年)
2016年 上海浦江人才计划
《Journal of Plant Ecology》副主编
发表SCI论文100余篇,包括以第一或通讯作者在Nature Climate Change📼、Nature Ecology & Evolution😕、Nature Communications、Advanced Science、Ecology Letters、Global Change Biology、Science Bulletin等国际重要期刊发表论文。近年来的代表性论文如下:
(1) Chen, H., Xu, X., Fang, C., Li, B., & Nie, M.# (2021). Differences in the temperature dependence of wetland CO2 and CH4 emissions vary with water table depth. Nature Climate Change, 11, 766-771.
(2) Zhang, Y., Li, J.-T., Xu, X., Chen, H., Zhu, T., Xu, J., Xu X. -N., Li, J., Liang, C, Li, B., Fang, C., & Nie, M.#(2023). Temperature fluctuation promotes the thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration. Nature Ecology & Evolution,7, 205-213.
(3) Chen, H., Zhu, T., Li, B., Fang, C., & Nie, M.# (2020). The thermal response of soil microbial methanogenesis decreases in magnitude with changing temperature. Nature Communications, 11, 5733.
(4) Li, J., Pei, J., Fang, C., Li, B., & Nie, M.# (2024). Drought may exacerbate dryland soil inorganic carbon loss under warming climate conditions. Nature Communications, 15, 617.
(5) Chen, H., Jing, Q., Liu, X., Zhou, X., Fang, C., Li, B., Zhou, S., & Nie, M.#(2022). Microbial respiratory thermal adaptation is regulated by r-/K-strategy dominance. Ecology Letters, 25, 2489-2499.
(6) Li, J., Jiang, M., Pei, J., Fang, C., Li, B., & Nie, M.#(2023). Convergence of carbon sink magnitude and water table depth in global wetlands. Ecology Letters, 26, 797-804.
(7) Li, J., Jiang, M., Pei, J., Fang, C., Li, B., & Nie, M.# (2023). Thermal adaptation of microbial respiration persists throughout long-term soil carbon decomposition Ecology Letters, 26, 1803-1814.
(8) Li, J., Pei, J., Fang, C., Li, B., & Nie, M.# (2023). Opposing seasonal temperature dependencies of CO2 and CH4 emissions from wetlands. Global Change Biology, 29, 1133-1143.
(9) Li, J.T., Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Sun, H., Tian, W., Li, J., Liu, X., Zhou, S., Fang, C., Li, B., & Nie, M.#(2023). Low soil moisture suppresses the thermal compensatory response of microbial respiration. Global Change Biology, 29, 874-889.
(10) Tian, W., Sun, H., Zhang, Y., Xu, J., Yao, J., Li, J., Li, B., & Nie, M.# (2022). Thermal adaptation occurs in the respiration and growth of widely distributed bacteria. Global Change Biology, 28, 2820-2829.